Sundays at First Baptist

Going to church on Sunday isn't about fulfilling a dry duty. We come together because God is our highest treasure and it is our delight to worship Jesus Christ the Lord from the depths of our hearts, in spirit and in truth. We come together to be fed and nourished by the inspired life-changing Word of God. We come together to build relationships with one another that help each other become the men and women God saved us to become. We come together to be equipped to live out the callings God has given to each of us. We come together to go out again to live as followers of Jesus Christ 24/7 in our daily lives.

"And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near."  -Hebrews 10:24-25


9:30 AM - Sunday School Starts* (Parents: The drop off window for kids is from 9:20 to 9:30 AM.)

10:15 AM - Adult Sunday School Ends (Parents: Please pick up elementary kids from their classrooms by 10:25 AM.)

10:30 AM - Worship Service* 

*Nursery and Children's Programs available

AM Worship Service (10:30 AM)

The AM Worship Service is the heart of our time together on the Lord's Day. The worship service includes passionate music and Biblical preaching. The goal of the worship team is not to put on a performance but to lead the congregation in God-centered worship. This is a church where you can hear the people sing from the heart! Pastor Nate preaches clear messages from the Bible with the conviction that it is God's truth that you need to hear. Salvation and hope are found in the God's Word.

For Your Children

During the 10:30 AM service we offer purposeful programming for newborns to 3rd graders.

  • Nursery

    Quality nursery is available for children under age 2 during 10:30am service. Click here for more information about nursery care at other services.

    All volunteers who work with children are screened and trained as a part of our Child Protection Policy. The nursery, toys, and all kids rooms are cleaned and sanitized after each use.


    We have quality preschool programs during the 10:30 AM service for children ages 2-5. Click here for more information.


    Kidz Blast is for kids in Kindergarten through 3rd grade during the 10:30 sermon. These kids will sing along with parents during worship and will be dismissed before the sermon. Look for the leader in the back with the "Kidz Blast" flag! Click here for more information

6:00 PM Services

We currently have 6:00 PM services approximately one Sunday a month. These services will often feature missionaries or other special speakers. Every other month we also celebrate the Lord's Supper at the PM service. (Small Groups meet at homes typically twice a month between Sept. and March.) The following PM services are scheduled:

  • Jan. 21: Congregational Meeting & Communion
  • Feb. 18: Andrew Postema
  • Friday, Mar. 29 - 7 pm: Good Friday Service and Communion
  • Apr. 14: Congregational Meeting
  • Apr. 28: Emanuel Negru
  • May 5: Communion and Steve Mayo
  • June 30: Niel Vilches
  • July 7: Communion and Amy Galloway
  • Aug. 11: Congregational Meeting