Adult Sunday School
9:30-10:15 AM - Sundays
At First Baptist we value continuous spiritual growth. We have Sunday School classes for all ages, year round. Pick a class that seems to be the right fit for you and jump in! You can join a class at any time. New classes start periodically.
Adult Sunday School starts at 9:30 AM. Parents, the drop off window for children's Sunday School is from 9:20 to 9:30 AM. Adult classes will end at 10:15 but children's classes will go a bit longer. Parents, please pick up elementary children from Sunday School between 10:20 and 10:25. Middle School and High School kids do not need to be picked up by parents.
The Book of Galatians
Location: East Overflow - M37 side of the church, off the Worship Center (room 101)
Led by John Schmid
FAMILY CLASS (FOR parents with kids in the house or YOUNG couples)
Systematic Theology: Humanity, Sin, Jesus Christ, & The Holy Spirit
Location: Fireside Room - off the large foyer (Room 111)
Led by Pastor Nate Archer - Dr. Archer is teaching through the same material he teaches for Cornerstone University.
The Baptist Catechism
Location: Conference Room - west hall (room 118)
Led by Susan Montroy
The Book of Jonah
Location: College Room - off the Cafe on the NW corner of the main building (room 122)Led by Jake Herrera
Small Groups
FBC small groups are for all adults who attend FBC
including newcomers. Groups meet every other week from September through March but only once a month in Nov.
and Dec. These groups are a wonderful time of fellowship and nourishment. Small groups are designed to meet for about 1 hour and 30 minutes starting with a time of fellowship and prayer.
For 2024-25 groups will read and discuss the book Street Smarts by Greg Koukl. Groups meet on Sundays either at 3:00 PM or 6:00 PM in homes.
- Sept. 22: chapters 1-2
- Oct. 6: chapters 3-4
- Oct. 20: chapters 5-6
- Nov. 3: chapters 7-8
- Dec. 1: chapters 9-10
- Jan. 12: chapters 11-12
- Jan. 26: chapter 13
- Feb. 9: chapter 14
- Feb. 23: chapters 15-16
- Mar. 16: chapters 17-18
- Mar. 30: extra week if needed
Women's Ministries
Bible Study
The Women's Bible
studies meet throughout the school year. Wednesday Bible Studies will resume on Sept. 4!
- Women's AM study - 9:15 to 11:15 AM, led by Kim Boonstra - The Gospel of Mark
- Women's PM study - 6:30 to 8:00 PM, led by Pam Jacobson. - The Gospel of Mark
Our women's ministry is also active with other events throughout the year. We have women's retreats, Christmas party, baby showers, bridal showers, tea party and planting party just to name a few.
2025 Women's Retreat
We will be digging into the "Attitudes of a Transformed Heart" with our very special speaker, Marth Peace. We will stay at Camp Geneva March 7th-9th. Cost is $80. Sign up and pay ($20 deposit due at sign up to hold your spot) at the Welcome Center. Must be paid in full by Feb 19th.
Men's Bible Study
Wednesdays - 6:30-8:00 PM
MEN'S BIBLE STUDY meets on Wednesday nights from 6:30 to 8:30 starting in the East Overflow (Room 101) and then breaking into smaller groups for discussion. You are welcome to join in at any time!
Join us this year in 2024-25 as we study the Gospel of Mark.
- Sept. 4: Mark 1:1-13
- Sept. 11: Mark 1:14-28
- Sept. 18: Mark 1:29-45
- Sept. 25: Mark 2:1-17
- Oct. 2: Mark 2:18-28
- Oct. 9: Mark 3:1-21
- Oct. 16: Mark 3:22-35
- Oct. 23: Mark 4:1-20
- Oct. 30: No Bible Study (Trunk or Treat Oct. 31)
- Nov. 6: Mark 4:21-41
- Nov. 13: Mark 5:1-20
- Nov. 20: Mark 5:21-41
- Nov. 27: No Bible Study (Thanksgiving)
- Dec. 4: Canceled (Weather)
- Dec. 11: Mark 6:1-29
- Dec. 18: Mark 6:30-56
- Dec. 25: No Bible Study (Christmas)
- Jan. 1: No Bible Study (New Year's Day)
- Jan. 8: Mark 7:1-23
- Jan. 15: Mark 7:24-37
- Jan. 22: Canceled (Weather)
- Jan. 29: Mark 8:1-9:1
- Feb. 5: Mark 9:2-29
- Feb. 12: Mark 9:30-50
- Feb. 19: Mark 10:1-16
- Feb. 26: Mark 10:17-31
- Mar. 5: Mark 10:32-52
- Mar. 12: Mark 11:1-26
- Mar. 19: Mark 11:27-12:12
- Mar. 26: Mark 12:13-27
- Apr. 2: Mark 12:28-44
- Apr. 9: No Bible Study (Spring Break)
- Apr. 16: Mark. 13:1-13
- Apr. 23: Mark 13:14-37
- Apr. 30: Mark 14:1-31
- May 7: Mark 14:32-72
- May 14: Mark 15:1-20
- May 21: Mark 15:21-47
- May 28: Mark 16:1-8[20] (Last Week)
*FBC policy is that we cancel Wednesday programs if TK Schools cancel for weather that day.