FBC Small Groups | Meeting Today
Small Groups will meet today in homes tonight to discuss chapter 14 in Street Smarts.
Missions Updates
At their Feb 2 meeting the FBC Missions Committee voted to send special gifts for these projects:
- $1,500 to Bridge Fellowship (the Michigan Association of Regular Baptist Churches) in association with Bibles International to help complete the translation of the Old
Testament into the language of the - $1,500 to our missionaries Kelly & Kim Smith (Word of Life) for their church renovation project in Tokyo, Japan. The Smiths will be with us for the 6 PM service on April 27.
- $1,500 to our missionaries Mark & Jess Stucky (BGFM Global) for their church building project in Brazil. The Stuckys will be with us for Sunday School and the AM service on May 18.
Thank you for your tithes and generous offerings each week. $126,182 of FBC's 2025
budget is dedicated to missions. Your giving supports the spread of the gospel around the world.
Deep End High School Retreat | Feb 14-16 | Registration due TODAY, cost $105
Join us on the High School retreat to Cran-Hill Ranch! This will be a weekend focused on studying Prayer—What is it? Why is it important? How do we pray? There will be many great activities and games! Drop off at FBC on 2/14 at 4pm and pick up on 2/16 at 2pm. The cost is $105 due by Feb 9. Registration forms are available at the Welcome Center or online at fbcmiddleville.net/ministries/youth
Women’s Retreat | Mar 7-9 | Cost $80 must be paid in full by Feb 19
Ladies mark your calendars for our Women's Retreat March 7th-9th at Camp Geneva. We will be digging into the “Attitudes of a Transformed Heart” with our very special speaker, Martha Peace. Sign up with your $20 deposit at the Welcome Center to reserve your spot. Remaining balance is due Feb 19. We look forward to seeing you there.
Bot Battles | Sunday, March 2 | 6-7:30pm (doors open at 5:30)
Bot Battles will return this March! Invite your friends to this outreach event to watch modified RC cars battle it out on our 16 x 16 foot armed battle arena! We still need a good number of people to enter RC cars for this event. If you are an FBC attendee and would like to enter a vehicle see the Welcome Center for rules and the sign up sheet.
Church Ministries Conference | March 7-8
You are encouraged to attend the Church Ministries Conference, conveniently held at Calvary Baptist Church in GR. This conference is designed to edify and equip all church members who are involved with ministry. Visit GRchurchministriesconfrence.com for information on breakout sessions, schedules, and registration. Early registration is $45 by Feb 24.
Upcoming Dates
Feb 9 | Small Groups | Street Smarts Chapter 14
Feb 15 | Women’s Bootcamp Workout in Willis Center | 8-9:30am
Feb 14-16 | High School Deep End Retreat
Feb 17 | CPP Training | Monday, 6:45pm
Feb 23 | Small Groups | Street Smarts Chapter 15-16
Mar 2 | Bot Battles | 6-7:30pm
Mar 7-9 | Women’s Retreat
Mar 9 | No Sunday School
Adult Sunday School Classes
Sundays 9:30-10:15 AM
East Overflow Class - Open to all adults, co-ed - East Overflow (room 101)
1st & 2nd Peter - Led by John Schmid
West Overflow Class - Open to all adults, co-ed - West Overflow (room 102)
Questions About Prayer - Led by David Williamson
Family Class - For parents with kids in the house or young couples - Fireside Room (111)
Systematic Theology (Humanity & Sin) - Led by Pastor Nate Archer
Women’s Class - Conference Room (room 118)
The Baptist Catechism - Led by Susan Montroy
Young Adult Class - For graduates through early twenties (room 122)
Singleness, Dating, and Marriage - Led by Jake Herrera
Sunday Children’s Programs
See AM Schedule Above for Times
Nursery: For kids under age 2, during Sunday School & during the AM service.
Pre-School Ministry: 2 & 3 year olds will meet in room 125 for Sunday School & room 127 for the AM service. 4 & 5 year olds will meet in room 125 for Sunday School & the AM service.
Elementary Sunday School: K-5 grade (Downstairs) – See AM Schedule Above
Youth Sunday School: Middle School Girls (room 121) – Middle School Boys (Willis Center)
– High School (Willis Center)
Kidz Blast: K-3 grade (Downstairs) – Kidz Blast kids will stay with their parents in the
service during singing and then are dismissed for Kidz Blast before the sermon
Wednesday Programs
Wed. 6:30-8:00PM
Men’s Bible Study—The Gospel of Mark (East Overflow)
Women’s AM Bible Study—9:15-11:15 AM (Fireside Room) The Gospel of Mark
Women’s PM Bible Study—6:30-8:00 PM (Fireside Room) The Gospel of Mark
(Nursery available for the PM study)
Youth Group—6 to 12 grade (Willis Center)
Adventure Club—1 to 5 grade (Downstairs)
Gophers—4 years to K (Room 125)
Nursery—3 & under, for parents attending a study or helping in ministry