New Child Protection Policy Training | Today | Noon
FBC’s new Child Protection Policy training is required for all those who have not yet been through the new class and desire to serve with nursery, VBS, children’s, and youth ministries. This class will be offered today in the Sanctuary after the AM service.
Palm Sunday | April 13
The children of FBC (ages 4 through 5th grade) are invited to participate in our Palm Sunday parade at the beginning of the worship service on April 13. Any wishing to participate should be at Sunday School on April 13 for group preparation.
40 Days for Life | April 11
On April 11, join other Christians for “40 Days of Life”. You’re invited to peacefully pray outside of Planned Parenthood 425 Cherry St SE Grand Rapids. Sign-up at the Welcome Center for a specific time to pray. See Pastor Zach if you would like more information.
Capital Improvement Giving
This January the FBC congregation approved a plan by the Capital Improvement Committee to undertake a new slate of projects to improve our church facilities. These projects will include new carpeting and other improvements for the Kidz Blast and Adventure Club areas downstairs, a permanent wall in the Youth Center, new carpeting & flooring for the Youth Center, replacing the library door, HVAC to the Overflow Rooms, and more. Additional projects have been identified for a later phase. To keep out of debt we will complete these projects as the funds come in. Please consider contributing to the Capital Improvement Fund for this work! You can use the envelopes in the pews or give online at Please remember to give your regular tithes and offerings before giving to Capital Improvements. Thank you!
2025 VBS Dates
Our Vacation Bible School dates for 2025 will be July 21-25 with VBS Sunday on July 27.
Would You Like to Stay Updated by Email?
If you do not already receive our weekly email please use a Welcome Card to give us your email address and ask to be put on the emailing list. You could also contact us at The weekly email is very helpful to stay up to date with upcoming events, cancelations or other changes.
Giving |
Thank you for supporting the ministries of First Baptist with your faithful giving. You can place your tithes and offerings in the receptacle in the small foyer. You can set up online or reoccurring giving at If you would like giving envelopes please contact the office or request them using a welcome card found in the pews. Tip: If you give online it is more beneficial to the church if you set up online giving with your routing and bank account number rather than from a credit or debit card.
Upcoming Dates
Mar 30 | CPP Training | 12pm
Apr 9 | No Wednesday Programs (because of Spring Break)
Apr 11 | 40 Days for Life | 7am-6pm
Apr 12 | Men’s Breakfast in Café, main floor | 8am-10am
Apr 13 | Palm Sunday
Apr 18 | Good Friday Service & Communion| 7pm
Apr 19 | Women’s Bootcamp Workout in the Willis Center | 8am-9:30am
Apr 20 | Easter Breakfast (No Sunday School) | Served from 9-10am
Adult Sunday School Classes
Sundays 9:30-10:15 AM
East Overflow Class - Open to all adults, co-ed - East Overflow (room 101)
1st & 2nd Peter - Led by John Schmid
West Overflow Class - Open to all adults, co-ed - West Overflow (room 102)
Questions About Angels and Demons- Led by David Williamson
Family Class - For parents with kids in the house or young couples - Fireside Room (111)
Systematic Theology (Humanity & Sin) - Led by Pastor Nate Archer
Women’s Class - Conference Room (room 118)
The Baptist Catechism - Led by Susan Montroy
Young Adult Class - For graduates through early twenties (room 122)
1st Peter - Led by Jake Herrera
Sunday Children’s Programs
See AM Schedule Above for Times
Nursery: For kids under age 2, during Sunday School & during the AM service.
Pre-School Ministry: 2 & 3 year olds will meet in room 125 for Sunday School & room 127 for the AM service. 4 & 5 year olds will meet in room 125 for Sunday School & the AM service.
Elementary Sunday School: K-5 grade (Downstairs) – See AM Schedule Above
Youth Sunday School: Middle School Girls (room 121) – Middle School Boys (Willis Center)
– High School (Willis Center)
Kidz Blast: K-3 grade (Downstairs) – Kidz Blast kids will stay with their parents in the
service during singing and then are dismissed for Kidz Blast before the sermon
Wednesday Programs
Wed. 6:30-8:00PM
Men’s Bible Study—The Gospel of Mark (East Overflow)
Women’s AM Bible Study—9:15-11:15 AM (Fireside Room) The Gospel of Mark
Women’s PM Bible Study—6:30-8:00 PM (Fireside Room) The Gospel of Mark
(Nursery available for the PM study)
Youth Group—6 to 12 grade (Willis Center)
Adventure Club—1 to 5 grade (Downstairs)
Gophers—4 years to K (Room 125)
Nursery—3 & under, for parents attending a study or helping in ministry