Sunday School


At FBC we value Sunday School and offer it year round for all ages. Your kids will learn God's truth from dedicated teachers in a safe and loving environment. We highly encourage every family to make this a regular part of their weekend!

  • Preschool: Meet in the rooms at the north end of the main building, off the cafe. After Sunday School the preschool kids stay in their classes through the 11:00 service.
  • K-5th Grade: These kids meet together in the Kidz Blast area downstairs for singing and then go to their various classrooms in that area. 
  • Middle School Girls: Room 121 in the main building, off the cafe
  • Middle School Boys: Willis Center kitchen
  • High School: High School students meet with Pastor Nick in the youth center in the Willis Center. more info
  • Adults: click here

Nursery is also available during this time. 

If you are new, please feel free to stop by the Welcome Center so someone can help you find your rooms. 

Evening Service (6pm)

FBC has a well-attended PM service that continues year-round, except for some holidays. This is an excellent time of worship, fellowship, and equipping. Nursery is available for babies and children up to age 3.

Audio recordings of past PM services are available here.

  • Feb. 16: "Believe in Divine Sovereignty, part 2" by Pastor Nate Archer
  • Feb. 23: Spiritual Fitness series by Pastor Nick Boonstra
  • Mar. 1: "Believe in Human Responsibility" by Pastor Nate Archer - Communion
  • Mar. 8: Kevin Phillip - Shepherds Ministries
  • Mar. 15: BOT BATTLES event! 5:30-7:30pm in the Willis Center
  • Mar. 22: Divine Sovereignty & Human Responsibility series by Pastor Nate Archer
  • Mar. 29: Spiritual Fitness series by Pastor Nick Boonstra
  • Apr. 5: Divine Sovereignty & Human Responsibility series by Pastor Nate Archer
  • Apr. 12: No PM service (Easter Sunday)
  • Apr. 19: Spiritual Fitness series by Pastor Nick Boonstra
  • Apr. 26: Congregational Meeting - Communion
  • May 3: No PM service (Fellowship Dinners)
  • May 10: NO PM service (Mother's Day)
  • May 17: Divine Sovereignty & Human Responsibility series by Pastor Nate Archer

Sunday School (9:45-10:45am)

One of our deep values is for each person to be continuously growing in their knowledge, love and obedience to God's Word. Therefore, at FBC we have Christian discipleship classes on Sunday mornings for all ages, all year round. These classes also help us build relationships with one another. We highly encourage everyone to make this a regular part of their weekend!

  • Adult Classes: Click here for classes and info.
  • Youth Classes: Click here for classes and info. High School students meet in the youth room at the Willis center. Middle School boys meet in the kitchen in the Willis Center. Middle School girls meet in room 121 in the main building.
  • Children's Classes: Click here for classes and info. Pre-school kids meet in rooms on the north end of the main building as part of the "Kingdom Kids" pre-school ministry. K to 5th grade meet together in the downstairs "Kidz Blast" area and then go to their various classrooms.
  • Nursery is also available during this time.

Breakfast Cafe (9:00-9:30am)

Start your morning with the Breakfast Cafe at FBC! Join with others for food, coffee and fellowship on Sunday mornings starting at 9:00am. The menu is different every week but past breakfasts have included pancakes, biscuits and gravy, sausages, donuts, and more.

We ask for a donation of at least 25 cents per item to help cover costs. The cafe is located on the main floor at the north end of the main building. The Cafe stops serving food at 9:30 so that everyone can finish before Sunday School at 9:45.

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